my very own muckraker.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

enter the stache

A top aide to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamanei has said that opposition leaders are "enemies of God" and may face execution. This statement comes two days after the nephew of Mir Mousavi was run over by an SUV and then shot in the chest. According to Mohsen Makhmalbaf, a Paris based film-maker, the Iranian secret police contacted Seyed Mousavi "several times" explicitly saying: "We will kill you." The Iranian government maintains that the nephew of Iran's top opposition leader was killed by terrorists.
Here is an excellent side-by-side comparison of the House and Senate health care reform bills. The interactive feature compares mandates and subsidies for individuals, public option, effects on medicare and medicaid, abortion, illegal immigration, total costs and plans to cover costs.

This excellent health reform article articulates the wishes and spoils of special interests groups including: health insurers, large and small business, labor unions, hospitals, pharmaceutical co's, physicians, the AARP. The Hill's Jeffrey Young writes "no special interest got everything they sought, but there was something for everyone."

Also in health care, Governors Paterson and Schwarzenegger of New York and California respectively have spoken out against the Senate version of the bill saying it will worsen their states already dire fiscal situations.
A huge explosion ripped through a Shi'a Ashura procession in Karachi on Monday killing approximately 36 people. Rioting and mass arson broke out in the aftermath which saw the destruction of between 2,000 and 3,000 businesses. The destroyed business were largely "pagri" operations, where patrons have partial, uninsured ownership stakes. Pakistani officials estimate that 10,000 jobs will be lost with the destruction of these establishments.

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